• April 18, 2009: Travelers Aid Springtime Soiree

    April 18, 2009: Travelers Aid Springtime Soiree

    September 2, 2008: "Travelers Aid Day"

    September 2, 2008: “Travelers Aid Day”

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Hard at Work

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Hard at Work

    A Night in White 2005

    A Night in White 2005

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Helps a Visitor at the Airport

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Helps a Visitor at the Airport

    A Night in White: Thursday, June 17, 2010

    A Night in White 2010

    A Night in White 2011


marina-640x480Still a teenager, Marina found herself pregnant for the third time. Because of her youth, lack of education, and limited resources, her two children had been taken by Child Protective Services. Through her enrollment in a Travelers Aid program called Mobile Moms, Marina was able to turn her life around. The prenatal clinic where she was receiving care for her pregnancy offered her transportation in the form of both bus tokens and day-trippers to and from doctor and testing visits, compliments of
Travelers Aid. Not only was Marina able to keep all her medical appointments, resulting in a healthy pregnancy and birth, but she was also able to make all her court-appointed and legal appointments, satisfying the requirements necessary to be reunited with her older children. She was able to prove that she was a caring and responsible mother to all three children. Marina was made to feel that her baby and children were “important to somebody else,” and that “she could get her life back together.”