• April 18, 2009: Travelers Aid Springtime Soiree

    April 18, 2009: Travelers Aid Springtime Soiree

    September 2, 2008: "Travelers Aid Day"

    September 2, 2008: “Travelers Aid Day”

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Hard at Work

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Hard at Work

    A Night in White 2005

    A Night in White 2005

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Helps a Visitor at the Airport

    A Travelers Aid Volunteer Helps a Visitor at the Airport

    A Night in White: Thursday, June 17, 2010

    A Night in White 2010

    A Night in White 2011

Our Story

Welcome to Travelers Aid Society of San Diego. We’ve been helping San Diegans in need for over 100 years. The mission of Travelers Aid is to assist individuals and families who, in times of crisis or transition, are disconnected from their support systems. Travelers Aid provides access to critical services for those who have no other means to reach those services.

This agency is small but has a long history here in San Diego. Most of those who have heard of Travelers Aid think of us only as those nice volunteers who staff help desks at the airport, train station, or cruise ship terminal.

Travelers Aid does aid travelers. Helping visitors to our region is a huge part of what we do. In the early years of the twentieth century, Travelers Aid started here in San Diego as an arm of the King’s Daughters. The purpose was to assist and protect women and children traveling alone from unsavory types. After incorporating in 1914, Travelers Aid Society has evolved many times, but the original purpose is still intact—assisting travelers in need. We currently boast the largest volunteer staff of any Travelers Aid agency with more than 300 individuals staffing several help desks as well as working in “mobile” positions. If you are interested in Volunteer Opportunities, click here.

When you think of the term “traveler,” you might, like most people, think of it as synonymous with “tourist,” but it’s important to note that not all travelers are tourists or have destinations. Some individuals are traveling because they have no place to settle. Some need short distance travel options, but have none due to economic or social factors. We help all travelers, regardless of the definition.

We have several programs:

SenioRide & RIDEFinder
Low and fixed income seniors are assisted with transportation options such as taxi vouchers, ride-sharing, volunteer drivers, and door-to-door services, as well as trip planning and travel training

Senior Solutions
Transportation to cancer related medical appointments for low income (30% AMI) seniors (62+) throughout San Diego County.

Homeless Outreach
We offer reduced fare ID vouchers, certifications of homelessness and San Diego County birth certificate vouchers. Walk in case management at our satellite location at, 1501 Imperial Ave, San Diego, CA 92101. Thursday and Friday from 8am-4pm.



    seth-640x480Seth is a 29-year-old Iraqi war vet who was discharged here in San Diego and told to find his way home.  He had visible scars from an IED explosion, shrapnel wounds, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder anxiety, but maintained a good sense of humor even though he had been living on the streets for...more

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